Bean Funnies

July 27, 2011

Okay, I know I’m late.  It couldn’t be helped.  We’re at the beach and there was a monsoon and we lost power, but that’s another post when I have time to think.

In the meantime, I was cleaning out my car—I needed every bit of space because we carted the entire contents of Maison Bean down to the beach—and discovered an old notebook where I’d written down some funny things Jax said when he was 3, and so for posterity, I’m recording them here because there’s no telling where that notebook will end up.  And besides, I didn’t have a post for today.


Jax:  My tummy is hungry for choes.  [“Choses” is the little Bean abbreviation for Cheerios.]


Jax:  I don’t want to take a bath.  The water itches me.


Me:  Jax, who  did this?!

[There was oatmeal all over the floor.]

Jax:  Papa did it.


At night we say prayers and we ask God to bless our family.

Jax:  God bless Mimi.  God bless Papa.  God bless Jesus.  God bless Scooby Doo.


Papa and I were watching TV.  Jax comes tearing through the living room.  A few minutes later he comes running back from the other direction.

Me:  Jax, where are you going?

Jax:  The alligators are chasing me.


Tearing through the house again.

Me:  Jax, where are you going?

Jax:  The poop is coming!

(Sorry, I know that was a little… indelicate.)


At bedtime.

Jax:  Mommy, can I have some ice cream?

Me:  No.

Jax:  My tummy is going to cry.


When I put on a dress with a cinched waist and a full skirt.

Jax:  Mommy is a princess.


Me:  Can I have two of those jellybeans?

Jax:  Say please, Mommy.


Me:  You cleaned up your room so well.

Jax:  You so proud of me.


Jax:  Mommy, your dress is wet.

Me:  Uh-huh.

Jax:  Did Moose pee-pee on it.

Me:  No.  I got it wet when I was washing dishes.

Jax:  Bless your heart.


As I was opening the door to my bedroom, Jax bursts out.

Jax:  Welcome to the party.


Jax:  Mommy?

Me:  Hmmm?

Jax:  I loves you.


Luna July 28, 2011 at 1:01 am

I’m going to start saying, “Bless your heart” at slightly inappropriate times much more often.

Irene July 28, 2011 at 1:04 pm

LMAO!! Those were priceless!! Love the “Bless You” comment! That had me rolling!!

“The poop is coming”. Out of the mouth of babes!

And he’s no dummy…”Papa did it”. Smart boy!

Hope you’re having a great summer Jen!

hopefulcc July 28, 2011 at 1:29 pm

These are priceless!
I heart Jax 🙂

Heather July 28, 2011 at 3:40 pm

So sweet, but I am a little bias! On a different note, I just wrote a behavioral study paper on why I keep such a messy car. (I could totally appreciate your blog and finding the hidden notebook:)

Melissa Sankey July 29, 2011 at 9:20 am

I love toddler outbursts… they always make me smile. “Bless your heart” mamabean you have an amazing little guy!

Betsy at Zen Mama July 31, 2011 at 12:27 am

It’s so great you wrote everything down. My kids love seeing everything they used to say. Hope you’re having a great beach week!!

Kid id August 1, 2011 at 9:28 pm

Love it! Bless your heart and God bless Scoobie Doo are definitely my favorites. This is one of the main reasons we all started our blogs, isn’t it?

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