Bean Blogs

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds…” So said Ralph Waldo Emerson. Reason enough, I think, for doing things in a different order, which is why I start the Bean Blogs off with the omegas and progress to the alphas. Besides, Beans get lonely at the top.


Zen Mama’s Blog:  Betsy Henry’s life lessons should be required reading for all mamas.

VegasMom:  what happens in Vegas is published on a blog, at least the story of this mom and her family.

Velveteen Mind:  a blog by Gulfport, Miss. resident Megan Jordan, mother of three, and editor of Story Bleed.

The Soapbox: Irene has two boys, five chickens, a trucker’s mouth, and she voted for Jay Leno for president.

The Bloggess:   Jenny Lawson is irreverent and funny, and she makes my day when I read her blog.

Shaken, Not Blurred: Alicia writes about her hiatus after life in the corporate lane.

Singlemommyhood:  the go-to community for all single moms.

Single Mothers by Choice:  if you are interested in single motherhood, this blog by single mothers is a good place to begin.  Jane Mattes, who founded the organization Single Mothers Choice (SMC) in her New York City living room after the birth of her son, is the organizer. 

Scary Mommy:  Mom of three, Jill, blogs about motherhood–the good, the bad, and even the scary.

RTCRITA’s Blog:  This single mom is funny and creative, and she takes beautiful pictures.

Robin Elizabeth: The story of my friend Wendy’s daughter, a micro-preemie who entered this world weighing 1 lb, 4 ounces.  Elizabeth has overcome insurmountable odds and is a testament to the miracle of prayer.

Road to Joy Pamela Hutchins is a Brady Bunch mom and an athlete who writes about her road to joy that sometimes includes a speed bump.

Parent hacks:  cool parenting tips

Just You and Me, Kid:  Stacey’s tale of single motherhood by choice.

Creating Singlemotherhood: Calliope, another SMC friend, blogs about her life as a single mom.

Busted Plumbing: Kate’s funny adventures in fertility hell.

Better Half Mommy:  Nicole is a stay at home mommy to 9-month-old Boogie, two hotdogs and a dude who got a very good deal when he married her.