Kids, lies and birthdays

March 18, 2011

 Jax:        Mommy, who are you making that cake for?

Me:        The colonel.  It’s his birthday.

Jax:        How old is the colonel?

Me:        Fifty.

Jax:        Wow! . . . Mommy, how old is Papa?

Me:        Sixty-seven.

Happy birthday!Jax:        WOW!  SIXTY-SEVEN?! 

Me:        Yes.

Jax:        Mommy, how old are you?

Me:        Twenty-four.

Jax:        [Clearly unimpressed] Oh.

Note:  Papa is not speaking to me because I recounted that conversation in Sylvia’s presence. 

Evidently, he lied to Sylvia about how old he is. . . . It’s a Bean thing.  We never tell the truth about how old we are.


Pamela March 18, 2011 at 11:50 am

You’re not 24? Well, that’s a little too young to be my friend anyone. I prefer mature women-pals. I’m 27.

Irene March 18, 2011 at 12:14 pm

LMAO!!! Love his reaction to 67!

Better to be umimpressed than get a “WOW” if you told him your real age. That would have ruined your day.

Papa March 18, 2011 at 4:54 pm

Jenny, it wasn’t enough to tell my girlfriend–you had to put the message out on the WORLD WIDE FRIGGING WEB?

Well how about this? I was 22 when you were born. Anyone out there need help with the math?


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